I have done proofreading in the past, but wanted to have some formal training in proofreading and copy-editing to enable me to have the skills required to work as a freelancer.

The course definitely exceeded my expectations. I did not think it would be so in-depth.

I had lots of support from my tutor. His comments and feedback were invaluable and he was always very happy to assist.

The course content was extensive. It was well worth the money.

I learned the role of a proofreader and copy editor in great detail: how to proofread hard copy as well as on screen. I learned how to use PerfectIt and track changes to proofread.

The job of a copy editor is very extensive and the course gave me a great understanding of what copy-editing entails.

I do not think the course needed any improvement. All assignments were marked and returned quickly and new lessons sent out without any delay.

The lessons were clear and easy to follow, and my tutor always responded to any queries promptly.

I have recommended the course to a couple of friends already!

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