A distance learning course studentI’ve loved the written word all my life. I’ve heard about copywriting over the past few years and I thought that it could be something for me.

I’ve read online articles saying that everything you need to know about being a copywriter can be learnt reading other copywriters’ blogs and books, but I needed the structure this course provides. It was laid out in a logical and coherent way, each unit building on the one before. I don’t believe I would have learnt as much trawling through the internet on my own. Plus, I wouldn’t have had any feedback. For me, that’s a big part of the learning process.

My tutor was brilliant. Her feedback was invaluable, the not-so-flattering ones as well as the positives. I feel that’s where most of my learning really was cemented as I for every assignment took on board both the good and the bad from the previous assignment. After handing in an assignment, I was always looking forward to reading her comments. I also liked the fact that she treated me like the adult I am; she didn’t feel the need to point out a few petty typos, that I (to my horror) noticed afterwards despite spellchecking (I’m normally a stickler for good spelling) but instead she concentrated on the bigger picture.

The course content was laid out in a logical and coherent way. Each unit built on knowledge gained from the one before. Very professional whilst at the same time easy to follow for someone new to the industry. Everything was well explained.

Looking back, I used to be a ‘wordy’ person. I used to think that using long, complicated words was impressive. This course has taught me to write in a way that’s plain and simple, with the core message being easy to grasp. Being long-winded isn’t clever, I see that now. I’ve learnt to write in a way that’s crisp and concise. I love my new style of writing. I’ve also learnt about the importance of writing for your audience, not yourself. How using subtle psychology (e.g. using ‘you’, ‘yours’) can make people more amenable to what you want to say. In fact, it’s made me want to study human behaviour.

I honestly have no suggestions for improvement. It’s great as it is, in my mind. Keep doing what you’re doing.

See our copywriting course