I enrolled on the better writing course to improve my writing structure, writing etiquette and grammar.

I also hoped to learn new writing techniques that I could use in my day job.

The tutorial support was excellent. The feedback on assignments was first class: plenty of praise for work done well, and constructive feedback on areas where I needed to improve.

The general communication with my tutor was always polite, well mannered and upbeat, and when I had a question regarding a lesson I always got an answer within 24 hours.

The content of this course was perfect for me. The variety of different writing styles covered was exactly what I was looking for.

The length of each lesson was just right, and gave enough information to fully understand each subject and to complete the assignment.

I have learned to structure my writing so it has a greater fluency to it. And there has definitely been an improvement in my grammar and writing etiquette.

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