A distance learning course studentI chose this course as I was exploring opportunities that would allow me to work from home. My husband owns a training company and is always asking me to “check” the multitude of documents he writes. I found that not only do I like doing this, but also I can do it at home, so a certification was the next step.

It was beyond my expectations. I am 50 years old and have not studied anything since my nursing degree in 1987! I was a little apprehensive, but need not have been. I learned about things I had no idea about.

As mentioned above, I had not studied anything not related to nursing since 1987, so my only struggle was grammar. I had to spend extra time going over this. I personally loved the assignments being marked by my tutor, as the feedback was invaluable and pushed me a little harder.

I have learned that proofreading is harder and more complex than people think!

See our proofreading courses