Originality is the key to successful blogging. So our food blogging course stresses the importance of creating unique content.

There are thousands of food blogs that just publish recipes, and most of them are unsuccessful because they don’t stand out.

They’re all pretty much the same – after all, anybody can write a recipe, takes some photos of a plate of food, and click ‘upload’. And they end up with pages of recipes that nobody reads.

In blogsphere, success comes from originality, not doing the same as everyone else.

Our online courses encourage students to bring their own, unique perspective, and write about hot issues, report gossip, break news and comment on food-related issues. Posts like these will set you apart from the thousands of blogs that publish recipes for caramel shortbread!

Obviously, recipes and reviews will play a part in a successful food blog.

But you’re very unlikely to succeed if you don’t broaden your horizons. Articles like this may give you some inspiration.

See our online courses