It’s one thing having a great idea for an article. But that counts for nothing if you can’t sell it. And this is why our copywriting course emphasises the need to write copy that sells.

This can be hard with non-fiction work, as you can be restricted by the material available. Nothing turns a reader off more quickly than a dry list of figures and facts.

The challenge for the non-fiction writer is to bring facts alive. So rather than list a set of numbers, say: How heavy, how big and how many. This helps readers to absorb the information.

And when writing about past events, don’t just state a date, like 1620. Say what else was happening at the time – use themes that people are familiar with.

Fact boxes are another way of bringing facts to life – they are more appealing to look at and easier to assimilate.

And of course, human interest sells. Try to find stories and case studies that give facts, figures and complicated concepts with a human dimension.

See our copywriting course