We tell our proofreading course students that their CV may be the most important thing they ever write.

Yet most people’s CVs are poor quality – just a load of unedited type, which is unforgivable for someone who has just completed an online proofreading course

Your CV should showcase your editorial skills. Here are some tips:

Make sure you head it ‘CV’ at the top. Many people just start with their names and addresses, so the reader isn’t clear what they’re reading.

Two pages are ample. If you can’t edit it to fit, then there’s no point in applying for editing jobs!

Avoid heavy text density. Use 1.5 line spacing, and bigger spaces between paragraphs and sections.

Use some attractive design features. But remember, they will take up additional space. So, you may need to cut the content by around 25% to achieve a 2 page, well-spaced, attractively designed CV. Again, a good opportunity to demonstrate the editing skills you learned on our proofreading course

You can get some design ideas in our CV Tips file, and online. Your CV needs to be neat, efficient and creative. But don’t be garish, and avoid introducing too many colours and over-doing the page furniture.

See our proofreading courses