Proofreading and editing is a must for producing great copy and can’t be underestimated. This is why our proofreading course is so popular.

Accurate written work is vital and our online proofreading course will see you on your way.

Here are ten tips taken from the proofreading course material.

They really make a difference.

  1. Get well rested – Proofreading can be tiring work. Plan your time well and, start with a clear frame of mind. Try to resolve any life issues before you jump in.
  2. The basics – Give it some time before starting – fresh eyes are accurate eyes. Cut the distractions out – even the less obvious ones. Read it out loud to yourself.
  3. Hear your words read by someone else – A different tone can make all the difference. Choose someone who isn’t too close to you – it’ll hit home more.
  4. Get yourself a text-to-speech programme – They’re a great way of hearing the words as an alternative to a human!
  5. Look out for homophones and homonyms – Hear/here, than/then, our/are. We all know which ones we’re guilty of. Scan through and highlight them.
  6. Try hard not to become too engaged – It’s easy to get caught up in the content. You need a surgeon’s mind. You’re not doing it for the entertainment value.
  7. Paste it all into proofreading software – Programmes like Grammarly are often better than spell-check.
  8. Edit out inappropriate words for your audience – It’s about more than just grammar and structure. Be honest with yourself – is it cliché ridden? Jargon does you few favours and slang gets outdated.
  9. Check your stated facts – Are they up to date? You might be in for a surprise.
  10. Look for patterns in the errors you make – Get them jotted down. This is a great way to improve. Select words for highlighting and ensure the consistency of style.

These are just some of the great tips out there. Put these into practice and you’ll ace it!

See our proofreading courses