Whilst on maternity leave, Hannah Hawthorne qualified as a copywriter with The College of Media and Publishing.

Despite many sleepless nights, Hannah believes the accessibility of the course helped her to achieve her goals.

‘I dipped in and out of the lessons whenever I had the time, or the energy. You can even access the course materials on your phone. As I was up most of the night being milked, this was brilliant for me.’

After completing the course, Hannah recalls the hilarious moment she received the email outlining her overall grade.

‘It was a rainy day, so we thought we would attempt a cultural family day. Armed with a huge sack of bribing treats, we headed to a country park. I vividly remember being on the top floor of the stately home, far from the safety of the exit.

The baby was asleep in the sling, and our son was ninja-rolling, precariously too close to the property’s many antiquities. An elderly couple, who were clearly aggrieved by my feral child’s pre-nap behaviour, were reading an information board just in front of us. My phone bleeped.

It was the graduation details from CMP. I could feel the old lady’s disdain multiply as I eagerly buried my head into my email. Not only was I a mother with an uncontrollable child; I was now more interested in technology than my own offspring. The audacity! My husband thought I had eyes on the child.

The next think I remember was the old lady shouting abruptly, ‘Er, you do know the ropes are there for a reason!’

Jumping on the dusty, four-poster bed was my beaming threenager.

Another family had walked in by this point, and the dad joked, ‘I wouldn’t worry, love. Bet that’s the most action that bed has seen for years!’

We look back and laugh now. Yes, at the time I was utterly mortified, but I was also radiating with happiness. I had passed my copywriting qualification with a distinction grade.’

Hannah believes that gaining the accreditation with CMP helped her to thrive personally, as well as professionally.

‘After you complete each of the modules, you receive a grade and feedback from your tutor. The sense of achievement was incredibly motivational.

Honestly, it did wonders for the old self-esteem. For the first four months of my daughter’s life, I looked like my nan (albeit after too many pints of Guinness). I shuffled everywhere, spoke in slurred imperatives and blasphemes, and I wore the same over-sized fleece, day and night.

So to receive praise – for something entirely unrelated to motherhood – at a time in my life when I was feeling so weak and vulnerable, was humbling, and extremely gratifying.’

Hannah, who is a teacher, has now set up her own copywriting business, Gold Star Content. The name a nod back to her profession. Upon returning to the classroom after her maternity leave, Hannah had to drop her leadership responsibility in order to gain part-time hours.

She is hoping to use her new business to supplement her earnings as a teacher. Using one of CMP’s recommended designers, The Digital Creative Hub, Hannah has now completed her website, which is full of testimonials from her happy clients.

‘Being a full-time copywriter would be a dream come true. We’ll see what the future holds. For now, I am fully focused on carefully balancing motherhood, teaching and writing. Wish me luck!

See our copywriting course