Copywriting courseAn effective copywriting course will include tips on using quotes from other people.

Why? Quotes can make content sparkle and give it credibility.

But they can also kill it. So, you may need an online copywriting course to show you how to use them.

Here are some tips:

  1. Only quote people who are relevant to the copy.
  2. Make sure they have something valuable to say.
  3. Don’t use quotes that repeat the copy. They must add to it.
  4. Many experts don’t know what makes a good quote – so give them suggestions.
  5. Never quote facts. There’s no point in quoting the CEO saying: ‘This device is costs £50 and is available in pharmacies.’
  6. Instead, quote opinions and reactions. So, quote the CEO saying: ‘This device will give asthmatics a better night’s sleep. It’s a game changer.’
  7. Also use quotes to promote ideas and explain actions.
  8. Eliminate jargon unless your copy is aimed at a specialist market.
  9. If a quote isn’t suitable, rewrite it and ask the speaker to accept the improved version.
  10. Keep quotes short: just one or two sentences that the reader – not the speaker – will find compelling.

Cleland Thom
Cleland Thom is a web writing consultant. His clients include Waitrose,
NSPCC, the Big Issue, London Fire and Rescue, FT 100 corporations, and central government departments.