social media marketing courseOur social media marketing course explains how to set up your own blog, how to maintain and grow that blog, and how to use it to promote your business.

Optimising your blog

Optimisation is a process that involves making your blog “visible” to search engines like Google, Yahoo, etc.

But how do you do that? Here are a few tips:

Use your primary keyword in your blog’s domain name

Make sure your blog’s URL contains the primary keyword you want to optimise. Using the targeted keyword in sub-domains also helps.

Use your primary key phrase in the title of your posts

If your primary key phrase is “proofreading help”, make sure that the words “proofreading” and “help” appear in your blog headers and the title of each of your posts. 

Update your blog frequently

Every day, if possible. Search engines like to see websites and blogs that add content frequently.

Stick with your blog

Once you start posting, stick with the same domain, or you could end up losing a lot of your traffic and regular readers. Also, stick with the topic you selected for your blog. If it’s about pets, don’t suddenly switch to another topic, because this will cause you to lose traffic.

Use your secondary keywords in the body of your post

If you want to be listed for secondary keywords, then use them, but not too frequently in the body of your post. The theory is that the more frequently a keyword appears within a webpage, the more relevant the page is likely to be for someone searching those keywords. But, if Googlebot finds that a keyword is used too often on a page, it might remove or blacklist your website. 

Use your keywords in the anchor text of links

Anchor text is clickable text – text which has a link embedded in it. For example:

This is anchor text which goes to a website about anchor text.

Make sure search engines can crawl your blog easily

Search engines constantly search the internet for websites that will provide searchers with what they want. A program called a spider is used to crawl along from link to link to find words and phrases that match the search. So, make sure you have links that the spider can use to crawl along websites, and the right keywords. And, make sure your blog has a website map.

Get backlinks from other blogs

You need other blogs and websites to link back to your blog posts, because the more links you have the more highly your blog is ranked by search engines. It’s like a vote for your blog. If other blogs and websites link to your blog, they are voting that you know what you are talking about when it comes to your topic. 

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