The UK’s ethnic diversity means there are growing number journalism job applicants who have English as their second language. But we tell our journalism course students that they can still compete in the jobs market.

The fact that English isn’t your first language shouldn’t be an impediment, provided you can write as well as native English speakers – which isn’t always that well.

We tell our online journalism course graduates to ignore the language aspect when they apply for jobs, and let the employers decide if there’s a problem.

Most editors appoint people who have done well during work experience, or who have contributed as freelancers. So it’s best you line up attachments at magazines and websites that you would like to work for. This is often just as important as good English. And some newspapers and magazines say that having an ethnically diverse staff is a distinct advantage.

It also helps if you follow established journalists and blogger on Twitter, and try to interact with them – ask for their help and advice.

You can re-assure editors about your writing skills by having your own blog. Make sure it includes your name and photo, to give it personality. Write in the first person, with a chatty, engaging style and write about your personal experiences.

See our journalism courses