We teach students on our Google SEO course that ‘content’ falls into two categories.

Firstly, there are ‘articles’, which you upload to article databases like this one

They can be about any subject, and they include keywords in.

The articles don’t necessarily have to be related to the business. For example, you could say: ‘I was buying some Brussels sprouts in Lidl the other day, and met a student who was looking for accommodation.’ This would work well for a business offering student accommodation services.

Then there are ‘content’ articles. These appear on your own site, your blog, or on other respected sites in the same sector.

They have to be relevant, high quality and well written. For example, that student accommodation business might write: ‘Ten tips to help students living away from home for the first time.’

And they will include one or two key phrases. Google places a lot of value on helpful content.

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